Sense Anywhere- Wireless Monitoring System

Masy SenseAnywhere Wireless Monitoring System for Temperature, Humidy and Shock

SenseAnywhere Wireless Monitoring System
for Temperature, Humidy & Shock Sensors

Track Temperature, Humidity and  Track Motion - Transmit Wirelessly - Record Results & View Online

Masy SenseAnywhere Wireless Monitoring System for Temperature, Humidy and Shock Information

 Sense.................Transmit...................Record Results.........View on Multiple Devices

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The Day Has Come......

When you can receive real time wireless monitoring (with data and alarms) on important systems immediately on any of your devices.

Sense Anywhere manufactures sensors that measure temperature (-200 to 200C ), humidity, & track movement.

Our sensors are placed to track shipments of product from manufacture, transport and finally to storage at its destination. Data is updated throughout the journey with recording and viewing in the cloud. Or, sensors can be placed in critical equipment to insure product inside the equipment such as low temp freezers remain the set storage temperature limits.

No data is missed as our sensors have a 10 year battery life. Verify the temperature, humidity and movement of your product meets your specifications and provide plus record this documentation.

The Basics.......

Sensors- Detect temperature, humidity and track motion storing this information and then transmitting the data to storage collection hardware when in range

Data Storage Hardware- Indoor, Outdoor and GPS AccessPoints communicate with Sensors to collect temperature, humidity & motion and store data

Secure Cloud Storage- Wirelessly connect the Data Storage Hardware to the cloud storage server where all Sensor data is stored for access

Smart Device- Use your Smart Device to connect with the Secure Cloud Storage  to view your data and receive alarms when critical parameters are exceeded

Applications That Benefit From Temperature, Humidity & Tracking Movement Data Collection & Alarms

Pharmacy Drug Storage record temperature humidity and motion

Track storage conditions of critical medicines and drugs from the manufacture to transport and then storage at all locations throughout your chain of stores and warehouses. View data from your Smart Device and receive alarms when things go wrong before the product is compromised.

Provide alarms on freezers and coolers throughout your chain of stores or restaurants

Insure food storage in coolers & freezers are maintained at proper temperature levels throughout your chain of stores or restaurants. Track shipments in cold storage vehicles to make sure food is not exposed during transport from cold storage warehouses to retail locations.

Climate sensors provide real time temperature and humidity data

Control of greenhouse climate parameters is critical to achieve optimal growth and efficiency of plant growth. Sensors provide climate data of all of your grow locations to provide climate data and alarm capability. This information can be used to mitigate damage to crops and provide historical data for future years.

Sensors provide temperature, movement and humidity of transport trucks and shipments

Transport alarms notify you that your product is on the move, when it arrives and provides temperature and humidity data for the entire shipment time period. At the start of shipment, the SwitchHolder is enabled and email sent out that transport has started. Once shipment arrives, SwitchHolder is shut off and another email is sent.

Transport Vaccines record temperature humidity and motion

Doctors & Patient Labs collect patient blood and other samples then place in a cool box. These samples must be maintained at specific temperatures during transport. SenseAnywhere sensors "ride" with the patient samples collecting temperature data and stay with the samples until they are evaluated.

Provide alarms on freezers and coolers throughout your laboratory have a malfunction

Ultra-Cold Freezers store critical and expensive research in R&D laboratories. During power outages or mechanical freezer breakdowns, receive alarms to smart devices of laboratory personnel so that samples can be moved, freezer serviced or other action taken before research is compromised.

Sensors provide temperature and humidity of warehouses for temperature, movement or humidity control

Warehouse storage of product can need a controlled environment for temperature, humidity and tracking movement. In cold storage warehouses,  temperature data collection and alarms are essential for preservation of product. Cloud storage data can also be provided to customers for inventory assurance.

Sensors provide monitoring if infusion pumps are in use

Sensors track patient movement in patient hospital beds to provide medical staff quick access bed availability data. Movement tracking sensors are also used to monitor if infusion pumps are occupied or not. Reduced manpower to monitor paramenters and increased productivity are clear benefits.

Temperature, Humidity, Climate & Movement Tracking Sensors


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