Apex Mass Flow Meters
Apex Mass Flow Meters for vacuum and non-vacuum applications combine pinpoint accuracy with flexibility. All Apex Meters have the flexibility to measure over 130 on-board gases, to choose your digital and analog input / output communication preferences, and a vast process connection selection. Additional options with aggressive gases, low pressure drop, and high accuracy allow the Apex Mass Flow Meter devices to be configured for any application. The ability to measure up to 26 Apex devices through one RS232 or USB port, provides your set-up the ultimate in flexibility.
Our accuracy of 0.8% direct reading plus 0.2% full scale make the Apex Mass Flow Meters the leader in flexibility and accuracy. High accuracy calibrations provide even better accuracy by lowering the direct reading potion of the error from 0.8% to 0.4%.
Vacuum Evaporation
Membrane Testing
Vacuum Sputtering
Plasma Deposition
Thin Film Coating Systems
High Temperature Furnace Gas Measurement
E-Beam Coating Systems
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Research
University Research
Gas Mixing
Advantages of Apex Gas and Water Flow Devices
- Flow up to 130 different gases with 1 Apex Flow Meter
- Pinpoint Flow Accuracy
- 200 to 1 Turn-down Ratio
- High Accuracy with error never exceeding more than 1%
- Control up to 26 Apex devices with one Computer or PLC
- Ultra-Fast Millisecond Response Time
- No Warm-up Time Needed for Start-up
- Flow Range from 0.5 sccm to 1500 slpm Full-Scale
- The Low Cost and High Tech Solution
Apex Mass Flow Controllers and Mass Flow Meters are in use all over the world in both Research, Analytical, and Industrial Applications. Both OEM equipment builders and some of the worlds finest researchers have already taken advantage of the technological benefits and low prices of Apex Vacuum Mass Flow Controllers, Meters, and Pressure Controllers, now it's your turn!
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Apex Mass Flow Meter Configuration Options

Apex Mass Flow Meter

Apex Battery Powered Mass Flow Meter
Apex Mass Flow Meter
Our Apex Mass Flow Meter is standard for most applications either vacuum (limited range) or pressure. We offer the most accurate and also fastest to stepping of any MFM on the market for the price. Options available are numerous to customize your mass flow meter for your specific application. You can add features/options such as high calibration, totalizer function, and custom VCR gas fittings. Our on-board controller allows you to set our MFM without expensive rack mount control boxes. Using our PID parameters, you can further customize the speed and update times to better meet your application needs.
Apex Aggressive Gas Mass Flow Meter
The Apex Aggressive Gas Mass Flow Meter opens the door to flow control for some of the harshest applications. Gases include ammonia, butylene, chlorine, dimeth ylether, hydrogen sulfide, silane and others. The Aggressive Gas Series uses alternative seals compatible with these and other aggressive/corrosive gases that normally are problematic with the standard Viton seals. Each Aggressive Gas Apex MFM does come with all inert and other gases in the library. Output connectors can be the standard NPT or welded VCR.
Apex Low Pressure Drop Mass Flow Meter
The Apex Low Pressure Drop Mass Flow Meter allows control of gas flow even where the pressure differential is minimal or can not be disturbed. This option can reach full-scale pressure drops as low as 0.06 PSID! When you have an application where keeping the pressure differential steady is essential or there is minimal pressure to work with, the Apex Low Pressure Drop Mass Flow Controller is the MFC for you.
Apex Battery Powered Mass Flow Meter
The Apex Battery Powered MFM takes precise gas flow measurement and makes it portable through a battery pack on the unit. If you have multiple systems that need occasional measurement, a tool for in the field gas flow measurement, or just want the ability to connect your Mass Flow Controller into multiple test ports on a system, then the Apex Battery Powered Mass Flow Meter is the perfect gas flow measurement device for you.