Switching to Dry Vacuum Pumps
The purpose of this on-line tool is to provide a cost analysis for users to determine effective cost of replacing oil sealed vacuum pumps that possibly need current rebuilding. Moving from older oil sealed vacuum pumps to modern dry pumps provide payback by avoiding future oil changes and possibly electrical cost savings. Cost of replacing the oil in a vacuum pump is not only the cost of the oil but includes the administrative cost of issuing a PO, shipping costs, storage labor costs, inventory taxes and disposal costs.
Modern dry vacuum pumps are usually competitive with oil sealed pumps. Your application must be considered to check the suitability of dry pumps.
For more information on the costs of replacing oil in a vacuum pump, see an article published on LinkedIn called The Real Cost of a Vacuum Pump Oil Change.
Calculator Results Data
Results of Calculator Evaluating Rebuild Costs of Your Present Vacuum Pump to a New Dry Vacuum Pump
Once you have completed the form to the right hit the submit button, your full results will be on the results page (button above).