Helium Leak Detection is one of the most powerful leak checking tools available for finding small leaks as small as 1×10^-12 Torr/l sec. Schoonover provides the TitanTest Series of wet and dry helium leak detectors. The Quadro Series can be purchased in a number of different wet and dry options for maintenance and production applications.

Hydrogen Leak Detection provides an affordable detection solution for leaks as small as 1×10^-6 Torr/l sec. . When pressurizing with an inert 5% Hydrogen, 95% Nitrogen mixture through the test object, piping, or chamber in question, Hydrogen escapes through the leak. A hydrogen sensing chip inside the hand held TLD.500 or TLD>1000 initiates an alarm and lights the LED lights on the unit (or provides a quantitative leak rate on the TLD.1000) to signify a leak has been found. Hyrdrogen Leak Detection is easy to use and provides the portable solution to Leak Detection in the plumbing, air conditioning, and quality control testing fields. The TLD.500 & TLD.1000 provide the most sensitive cost effective solution for finding small leaks. Our hydrogen leak detectors can find similar size leaks as a helium leak detector in sniff mode.

Handheld Helium Leak Detector - The GasCheck Helium Leak Detector provides handheld portable helium leak detection. Three versions, G1, G2 & G3 provide the flexibility needed for wide ranging applications. The GasCheck G1 is low cost and provides an audible leak rate signal. The G2 provides a quantitative leak rate and a can be configured for other type of gases besides helium (single gas only. The GasCheck G3 provides a quantitative leak rate and has full multi-gas capability.

Flow Leak Detection detects smalls leaks using any kind of gas, including air. Our Apex Low Pressure Drop Flow Controllers have the the ability to find leaks as small as 0.0025 standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm). Our Mass Flow Controllers control the pressure of the system being tested at a desired pressure, and attempts to flow at the set limit for the leak you are testing. If flow is achieved, then a leak above your desired pass fail line has been found.